
Photo of Adrián Gubrica
Hi, I’m Adrián, a creative developer and UI/UX designer. My vision is to connect the worlds of design and code in the field of web development, bringing stunning interfaces and interactivity, that go beyond the conventional idea of the web.

I rely on reliable and transparent cooperation with the aim of long-term partnership with agencies, brands, projects from a wide range of industries.

Currently, I’m also starting my PhD studies at Digital Design Studio at the Tomas Bata University in Zlin [CZ].

Site Of The Day [+ Developer Award, Typography Honors] — Awwwards — The Interactive Dictionary of Free Speech
Website Of The Month — CSS Design Awards [+ UI, UX, Innovation Awards] — The Interactive Dictionary of Free Speech
FWA Of The Day — FWA — The Interactive Dictionary of Free Speech
Website Of The Day [+ UI, UX, Innovation Awards] — CSS Design Awards — CleverFarm Virtual Farm
It is a great honor for us that we have the opportunity to work with such a clever young designer. Big thanks Adrián for everything ♥

Slovak Red Cross, Nové Zámky Region

We worked with Adrián on several projects, namely on the PurEfy product catalog, and on the preparation of accompanying materials such as TDS, MSDS. We are highly satisfied with his work and approach.

Gábor Nyitrai, BMI Monarflex Product Manager

We have been cooperating with Adrián for four years now. He does a complete, timeless design for my brand, including individual approach and quick solutions, which I really appreciate.

Romana Ďurišová, Makronkovo CEO